To The Woman I See Today
I just recently, finally had the chance to meet and photograph Corrie. What they say is true, people come into your life when they are meant to, to teach you, to learn from you, whenever that is, it is the right time. We had been in contact much earlier but never had the chance to connect. When she walked into my studio I could tell I was going to learn something very, very valuable. However, this post is not about me. Read on to discover more about this amazing woman. (insert heart here. .. . . dammit where are my emojies??)
When I am 83 and not 53, I will look back at this woman I see today with admiration and
wish I could be so many aspects of her. The 83-year-old me would not be judging this
woman in the reflection criticizing that she has gained a few pounds or has a few
wrinkles and lines. She will be thinking, “I wish I appreciated and loved this version of
myself more.”
Hi all! I am Corrie Thorne-Cameron a woman with a passion and desire to guide other
women towards self discovery and a life of More Than Existing™️. I have spent 33
years in the beauty industry listening to women, their stories, and their desire to seek a
temporary satisfaction through a new hairdo in order to fulfill a temporary but necessary
satisfaction. I was working on the surface yet communicating and connecting to
something deeper as I looked into the reflection of others and saw the beauty they could
not see.
One day I caught a glimpse of myself in that mirror and what I saw shocked me.
Looking back was the image of a woman who was exhausted, overweight, unhappy and
in a premenopausal state. I instantly paused to take the reflection fully in and asked
myself some powerful question, “Is this life good enough for me? Who is this me, and
what am I hiding from myself?” The response came with tears and memories of my
ancestors, my true gifts, and all that made others leave my chair saying, “I don’t know
what you do but I feel so much better.”
In that moment I started to awaken to my abilities, my healing and my connection that
had never truly been lost but had not been cultivated and loved into existence. We are
taught early to hide or ignore the truth of our own authenticity and become like everyone
else. Taught to be of service to everyone else first and place yourself last. Conditioning
runs so deep!
I began to connect with spirit, the mystical magical world of possibilities. Everything I
denied of myself to be I somehow became in such an organic way that I knew God was
behind it all. As a child I was a kid with movies in my eyes and the personality of an old
soul. I had an imagination that was filled with dreams and possibilities, yet I was shy
and weirdly content to be by myself. I was the makings of something and someone of
the future who would eventually guide and teach others to discover their beauty, and
cultivate their light to glow outward, so they would no longer be filling up on temporary
satisfactions of lives lived to please the wants and desires of everyone else. Becoming
a mystic, writer, medium, spiritual & emotional teacher, healer, coach, was not in the
vision of the limited belief of living by the à la carte of choices offered by others.
I can honestly say that I had it all. I had the salon and spa, the staff, the thought of
achieving a dream, only to come to realize it didn’t take me any closer to happiness and
joy. It took me closer to ism’s, habits, and distractions. The belief of what a successful
woman would and should look like, and the sacrifices it would take, took me away from
being a mother and missing out on healthy relationships and the things that fill the heart.
Worst of all, I never let the real self out as I would become the character of what made
others comfortable, stealing the moments of joy away that I deeply craved.
Now the 53-year-old looks back at all versions of herself and says, “No more will you
miss the opportunities to truly be yourself!” There is something so powerful about living
your life all the way to the soul’s desires and living in the predetermined destiny. During
a time of one of my lowest moments I wrote a statement that would provide the fuel to
live to the fullest extent. I wrote, “I will find joy and happiness no matter the cost! I will
more than “just” exist!” There is power in breaking up with the self you believe you
should be and becoming curious to the thought of, “What if?”
What has awakened and transpired in my life led me to know that a life of being true to
myself doesn’t exhaust or deplete me. I wear the scar on my back, rods, and screws
from a spinal infusion surgery, to remind me that I will never again walk with the belief
that I have to sacrifice all of who I am to find my worth in only being available to others
and not available to live my life as magical as I choose it to be. I have discovered the
awe and the joy in the most ordinary of places as I now have time to enjoy the little
things in life that we tend to brush aside when we are too busy being somebody that
does not serve our soul. Today and everyday in my states of doing “nothing” grace
speaks to me, inspiring the inspiration of creativity or simply walks me to places of
meeting and greeting the spirit of another. The spirit in me greets the spirit in you, and if
it becomes a hug or a message that inspires another to never lose hope then my job is
done, and I feel the love and the joy. That’s the beauty of living on purpose and no
longer seeking validation and purpose.
Love, Corrie
Corrie Thorne-Cameron is the published author of More Than Existing, My Truth of
Existing Beyond the Reflection, Wine & Chips, and the Everyday Goddess Oracle
cards. She is also the founder of the More Than Existing Academy of Higher
Consciousness (an online Academy housing over 50 channeled teachings for self-
discovery, self-actualization, spiritual and emotional growth, and so much more). A self-
taught artist, mystic, medium, and most of all a woman with a passionate heart.